Time Until It's All Over:

Monday, May 31, 2010

Field Trip to the Library

Who else would take a field trip to the library? Of course, it's only the IB kids. We sit crowded around computers, creating blogs, playing Neopets and researching the numberical value of Pi. When given a hour long break after lunch, this is all we could come up with.


  1. Hey! I was researching pi and the Mandelbrot set! It's for IB! It was actually a possible topic for my research paper... But now I'm more interested in how safety measures and fuel-saving measures in cars are counteracting each other...

    Yeah, I'm a geek.

  2. @Root Infinity: Whatever topic you end-up choosing, I'm pretty sure the examiner will never have seen it done before.

  3. I slacked and read my NON-SCHOOL RELATED novel the entire afternoon... hehe I feel so badass.

  4. A little late to add to this, but I went on Facebook.. and Gmail.. and Twitter

    Haha, no way in hell am I doing homework!
