Time Until It's All Over:

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Constant Gardener Assignment

Well... it's July 23rd and I feel as though I've had a long enough break from reading books that make me want to kill myself, so I started reading the Constant Gardener. On a scale from Harry Potter to the Scarlet Letter, I would rate it as being equally as annoying as the Grade 9 Etudes Atlantique text. Annoying and slightly painful, yet not so bad I want to poke my eyeballs out with a No. 2 pencil. Anyways, as I began the assignment (yay, homework!) I realized that all of my knowledge of literary techniques has pretty much vanished since the English exam, so after asking Wigg, who gave me some wonderful suggestions, I thought I would ask all of you other fools who have no life and actually are sitting here reading this .... what is the literary term for when a small portion of a text (like a paragraph or phrase) has a second meaning or underlying message ?

Thank you for your time and thought, now get back to your homework!

-Cookie :) <3

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm Lost

So... summertime. No homework due tomorrow. No test next week. No 3 major projects to procrastinate on. Just an assload of free time, and I've no idea what to do with it. Having spent the last year on homework, I've forgotten how to just hang out with people. I still can't find a job, so working is out. *Sigh*... I think I'm gonna go study.