Apparently, there is an unofficial holiday to celebrate pi on March 14 (eve of the ides of March... OMG). March 14 was chosen because March is the third month, and the fourteenth makes the shorthand version of 3/14. You know you're in IB when the first thing you think about when you read about pi day, is that we have to celebrate it with a real pie just like the one above.
OMG PI DAY! P.S. Stuart I am very disappointed in you. Do you not rememer anything that we learned from Grammer Girl so far?!?! You wrote "you know your in IB," instead of "you know YOU'RE in IB." how disappointing...
ReplyDelete..wow. I never used to be this meticulous about anything. I also never used to say meticulous.
Stuart got me in a "pi" mood, so I am now attempting to complete a sukoku puzzle containing the first twelve digits of pi. It also has a big pi symbol in the center of it. Wish me luck?
ReplyDeleteSorry about that mistake... I should have taken the time to edit my post. But anyway, good luck with the puzzle Tasha!
ReplyDeleteI finished it! Imagine! I took forever though.. I shall bring the finished copy to school as proof. :D
ReplyDeleteGuess what everyone? I just memorized 50 numbers after the decimal in PI!!!! ...wow I have no life.
ReplyDelete3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 ....wow
ReplyDeleteOnly in IB Tasha. LOL. I think the record for reciting the digits of pi is 67890 in 2005, by Chao Lu from Japan. From the record list I think reciting 50 digits would place you at the 151th point... But I'm not sure if the list I'm going by is really that accurate. We should have a reciting pi contest. LOL...
ReplyDelete58209 74944 59230
ReplyDeleteOMG we TOTALLY SHOULD I can go to 65 digits now.