Time Until It's All Over:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

School is INTENSE

A conversation that occurred directly before today's math test.

Dylan: That's easy, it's one-quarter-

Dylan and Mike together: n-s-squared-tan-90-minus-180-over-n

Dylan: BAMM!!!!

Mike: Props buddy!

*fist pound*

I am not proud of this, but it did in fact happen.

Later in the day, before our geography quiz, I lead a payer to our god Janel, one of this year's IB graduates.

Mike: Join hands everyone.

*Mike, Kati, Brandon and Dylan clasp hand and bow their heads*

Mike: Dear Janel, our god in IB, please impart upon us the knowledge to pass this quiz. Let your holy knowledge guide our hands as we label the countries of southeast Asia, so that we may avoid the bitter sting of failure. In your holy name we pray, Amen.

I plan on doing this before all of my exams.

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