Time Until It's All Over:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

optical illusions

focus on the + in the middle if the circles are moving, if not I messed up


Haven't been on here in forever, but seems like you guys have been having some fun... anyways not to bring y'all down with talk of school or anything, but there is a really useful/ cool TOk website I found, has some good videos on it if you are ever stuck for real life situations, and there are knowledge issues interspersed throughout the page... might be useful http://theoryofknowledgestudent.com/category/waysofknowing/

NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pumped that there was no school this afternoon, able to do homework. mylifeisib. And above is a comic I thought was funny.

Storytime in TOK with Michael Wigginton

So, Wigg just told this story to Sarah & I and we basically died.

"This one time, I was in Toronto to visit U of T, and there were A LOT of Asians. I was actually surrounded by Asians. And I'm not Asian. So I felt extremely uncomfortable. Naturally, I was looking for a way to escape, but everywhere I looked there were more Asians. I noticed there was a staircase in front of me, and felt relieved - but then I remembered I don't do stairs. So, I decided I would just run away to India... But then I remembered that I don't know where India is."

LOL TOK last year. <3

Monday, November 21, 2011

Even more lol's

I'm afraid that my ToK presentation will end up being this bad.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Glad to see that the EE's are finally coming together!

Although I am rather disappointed that I don't get to slap Mike on Monday as he instructed me to do if his essay wasn't complete :(

I was also lucky enough to experience the wonderful feeling of finishing my EE draft this weekend. I'm not sure how everyone else is doing, but some extra motivation is always needed!

Re-watching this video is what motivated me to finish, I hope it does the same for everyone who is in a rut with whatever work they need to be doing right now!


Best of luck :)

EE Done.

It's done. It's finally fucking done!!!!

Like, it has an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. It even has neat stuff like citations, a table of contents, and a title page!!!! IT EVEN KINDA MAKES SENSE!!!!

I mean, it's still missing an abstract and only has 3200 words, BUT WHO GIVES TWO SHITS?!?!?! IT'S DONE! DONE! DONEDONEDONEDONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Sarah tweeted about thebloggess.com (so funny and thank you for sharing) and I read one of the earlier posts which was about this video, please watch, lol.

We should also hire the people who made the last video to plan our Christmas party.

and here's some more stuff about cats...

"When cats have eyebrows"

Also, on a side note, this the third post where we talked about cats. lol

Monday, November 14, 2011


Just wanted to share this wonderful geo-related comic.

Oh how little I miss geo.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I just found this in the quotes link of the IB page Stuart linked us to in his last post, and it is so, so, SO true. I'm sure you all will agree.

"IB is like an abusive husband: You know you should leave, but you can't because you have a life together even if that life occasionally beats you, calls you names, and makes you feel like killing yourself."

Oh, IB. <3

cats & further tales of procrastination

Today my cat was meowing at me from her litterbox. I asked her why she was making a fuss and walked away.
I later found out that the door of the box wouldn't open for some reason and the cat was stuck in there until my mother noticed her piteous crying, went to investigate, and took the top off.
I now feel like a terrible pet owner.

That is not related to IB, but I felt the need to share.

In other news, as usual I've left my weekend homework until Sunday afternoon... And I have to work from 3 - 8:30.
I've got the design of that filthy rates of reactions lab done, though. The easy part, yes, but on the bright side, we don't even have to do a conclusion, which is really what I dislike doing.

I'm trying to avoid thinking about the Theory of Knowledge essay that's due on Wednesday.
Let's be serious, I'm probably going to fail that course.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Old IB Blog

I was going through old bookmarks on my computer and I don't know where I originally found this link, but there was an IB blog for our school previous to us... Not very much on it but interesting...


Monday, November 7, 2011


We are sitting in TOK ... procrastinating, as usual.

Some people are doing their chem labs, the rest of us are sitting here pondering WHY THE HELL THIS CLASS EXISTS.

Catherine just found the Graduation Diplomas ... screw this, we're out of here.