Time Until It's All Over:

Saturday, May 7, 2011


As of Friday, May 6th, all students who were forced to take the class-from-hell that is Géographie SL are rejoicing. WE ARE DONE! While most of the exam (and practically all of paper 2) was BSed like nothing I have ever done before, I must say the fact that I never have to open that 50 pound binder and cry as I attempt to read about la dégradation du sol or something equally as boring EVER AGAIN IN MY LIFE!

For those in HL Geo who test out next year, the best of luck to ya. You will need it my friend.

The only thing left for another year is the SL Physics exam, which is sure to be equally as awful (if not worse) than the Géo exam ... I guess I better go get studying.


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