Time Until It's All Over:

Thursday, January 26, 2012


One down, four to go - well, for me, Catherine, Holly, and Jenn.
Three to go for Bodo, Bpye, Wigg, Stu, Hannah, Laura May, and Morgan.
And two to go for Sarah! WOOOOOO!

Naturally, I'm procrastiblogging. I spent the past twenty minutes trying to find practice bio exams (either the ones Ms Wood gave me, which I've somehow misplaced, or some online) to no avail, so I finally said fuck it and here I am.

This post is pretty much pointless as I have basically nothing to say .. I want trail mix. And vitamin water. Maybe my reward for putting in a solid two hours of studying will be to go to Walmart and get myself some study snax.

I guess that means I should start studying, then.

I wish I could find those practice exams. :c

Here's some motivation to all of you who may be procrastiblogging/eating/kitteh.

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