Time Until It's All Over:

Thursday, June 14, 2012


For those of you with Twitter, feel free to follow Chukwu (@hellzyam).
He follows back.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rest in Peace, Eduard Khil

It is with deepest sadness that I report the passing of Eduard Khil, known to us as Trololol Guy.
After a stroke in April, he suffered irreversible brain damage, and lost his life today at the age of 77.

A memorial service will be arranged upon Stu/Wigg's returns from Europe.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dino & Wiggles go to Europe (episode I)

Hai guize! 
Hope y'all's summer is going splendidly and you've finally let go of the IB stress. I'm having a blast, taking our new friend Dino on his very first outing! For those who weren't aware, Dino is a brontosaurus that we won at the arcade after the french exam; if all goes according to plan, we'll be mailing him around to everyone to go on adventures all across Canada/The Netherlands/wherever else we may to study/work/for shitsn'gigs. 

Here is Dino looking out of our hotel room window in Lyon at the passing TGV

Dino was supposed to be in this shot of Lyon, but I forgot him in the room.

No dino, but here's a bird just chilling on our cafĂ© table in Geneva. That bird was an asshole - he tried to steal my bread. 

Dino, chilling on a Roman-era pillar beneath Cathedral St. Pierre in Geneva. 

 On somebody's coffin, also below the church. 

Same place, but now on a mosaic floor. 

Showing off his piece, in front of city hall. 

Sitting on a 14th century choir bench in the cathedral. 

Hanging out with his buds, Duck-lizard-dragon-thing and penis-looks-like-his-mouth-man. 

And finally, I have a little something I thought Sarah would like: when we passed by the Cathedral last night (sans dino), the church bells were playing a rather interesting selection of songs including a few Bach pieces, the Star Wars theme, and this:

Friday, June 1, 2012

Our Souls Have Been Released!


On Monday, May 28th five of us opened a time capsule from the beginning of IB. Here's a list of what we put in it:

Kara - Part of a feather boa from a fake illegal wedding to Carlos Peterson
Stuart - A Sea Shell from Black Point Beach
BPye - Bubbles
Sarah - Drawing of the things she did over the previous summer
Wigg - Video Game Manuel

I've seen some time capsules inside the little room off the computers in the French pod
from previous graduating classes... We should do an IB time capsule and keep it there. Thoughts?

The Last Day Any of Us Were in IB

Finally we are all done! Here's pictures from the day I've been meaning to put up:

Beautiful Green Hill

Catherine just before she did her speech, POST IT!

After the picnic, (if you don't already know...) some of us went to the mall to hang out and play at the arcade eventually ending up in downtown New Glasgow:


DOES IT?!?!?!?!

...the legend lives on...


it doesn't get any better than this................................................................................or does it?

Bop ya on the nose

After discussing with kara, we have concluded that rat fuck is now my official insult.

Original prankster

...is in the house. Cat'z first post.   Enjoy my darlings

Monday, May 28, 2012

The End - Kara Gets Sappy

Guys ........ We survived IB.

Also, derpedyderpderp is fairly accurate summary of the past two years. Particularly Theory of Knowledge.
What in the FUCK is a knowledge issue?! I STILL DON'T KNOW.

Seriously, though, we made it. What's more, we made it without anyone killing themselves (Sarah), becoming a terrorist (Laura May), or being murdered by the rest of the class for extra points (me).  It's all over, and there's nothing more to worry about... July 6th is over a month away, and besides, even if we failed, it's not like we can do anything about it now! :)

The end of IB is something that I think I can safely say we've ALL been looking forward to since, oh, September 2010?  But now that it's finally here, it's kind of bittersweet. No, I am not going to miss staying up until 7AM to analyse Maya Angelou's works or that oh-shit feeling I got during every mot-du-jour test when I realised I couldn't remember any of the words. But as I'm sitting here in my bed, staring at the empty spot on my floor where my biology/chemistry/math textbooks used to sit, I can't help but feel a little bit nostalgic.

No more cringeworthy and occasionally disturbing videos in chem class.
No more dancing on tables at lunch time.
No more being growled at by Mr. Stewart.
No more life advice in the middle of bio with Ms. Wood (remember, penis size does not matter).
No more pretending we got something out of ToK to appease Mr. Green during presentations.
No more 4AM tweets about how we should be studying.
No more trips to Neptune Theatre with annoying girls who will not put their phones away.
No more dirty looks from academic students who don't understand what they're missing.

No more of Laura May's random giggles disrupting a more or less silent classroom.
No more of Sarah's incessant desire for McDonald's.
No more of Jen's quiet helpfulness (always the first to offer a pen to a classmate in need!)
No more of B. Pye's LIVESTRONG obsession.
No more of Hannah's eagerness to help others in math class.
No more of Kara's wheelz. (By the way, I've decided that page needs to go back up on the blog, for posterity.)
No more of Holly's tendency to always know what's up.
No more of Catherine's strange voices/accents that seem to be contagious.
No more of Bodo's rants about Tim Horton's.
No more of Morgan's ability to maintain her personal style, even when the rest of us say "fuck it, it's time to live in sweatpants."
No more of Stuart's stress over oral presentations (even though he always did a wonderful job).
No more of Wigg's laid-back, not-giving-a-fuck attitude.

No more IB.

Honestly, I am going to miss you guys so much. I know it's unlikely that we'll all stay in touch, but I also know that I will never forget NRHS IB 2012. I wouldn't be who I am right now if it wasn't for the influence of each and every one of you.

Bon chance!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Countdown is over??????

Guys, there's no more countdown. We're actually done. Like, right now. Done. Done high school. Done IB. Done with IA's, IOP's, IOC's and EE's. Hell, most of us are done with Pictou County. Is anyone else finding this utterly surreal?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Chemmychemchem, and also Stewie Griffin.

Why oh why am I not studying, chemistry papers one and two are tomorrow .. GAAAAHHHH.

Last night I was watching Family Guy, and since this particular episode was set mostly in France, I'll say that I was preparing for the French exam. Stewie and Brian arrive in Paris, and Stewie says "I thought Paris would be a bit more picturesque.  It's just traffic and a guy with a jackhammer."
Then the guy with the jackhammer says "oh, no, monsieur, it is pronounced 'jaqueshammer.'"

.. I thought it was kind of hilarious.

ANYWAY, I guess I really should go learn what enthalpy is.
Happy studying, folks.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


OSPWBDKDDJDHEGEHWO. GUYS WE ARE ALMOST DONE. Good luck everyone, seeee you at the fire hall for Mr. Green's speech in two hours...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's May.

Nine days for Stuart.
Eighteen days for Morgan and Jenn.
Twenty two days for the rest of us.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eagles Are Turning People Into Horses: The Movie

Filmed on a budget of $11, this is probably the best 15 minute waste of time I've ever found.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

No Posts?

Does that mean everyone is actually studying? 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bucket List?

or just for when we have nothing to do after exams.

Take Me To Chicago...

What did this title make you think of? If you answered Ms. Murphy, then you'll be interested to know that the woman herself was in the building today. I repeat, Murph was in the building! Dressed in a pink tunic and black slacks, she was her chipper self and wishes the IB class good luck on their exams and hopes we are doing well.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


If we pass the DELF exam, we get a diploma in the mail around the end of the summer.
Catherine and I were wondering what we would get if we failed, and thought something like this might be nice.


Smells like bacon dippers.

love chukWU

Hi Catherine.

Like Sarah, I too am sitting in French class.
Unfortunately for me, Wigg is not here and therefore I spent the last 40 minutes or so actually doing work for the projecty thingy.

Catherine is reading over my shoulder.
In three minutes she's going to take me to Subway :D :D :D :D
I like her today.

"Just today?" says Catherine.

"Yes, just today," I say.


Well, This is Fun.

Once again, sitting in French Class.


I still need to read 100 + pages of 1984 before tomorrow.

On the plus side, all of us HL Art people are DONE! (Aside from our interviews) ... YAY!

... more time to study for math, so pumped.

Sorry this post sucks, but I am rather bored and forcing Laura-May to do all of the work on this 'project' ... oops.

This is interesting:


Also, Wigg commented. REPRESENTING, WOOOOOOO.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

IB Presentation

Hey y'all,

Apparently we moved the presentation to Tuesday the 10th at 6:30. Yeah.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gatsby Day!

Successful Great Gatsby Theme Day! :)

For anyone who actually reads this blog and ISN'T in this photo, we've been planning a Gatsby Day for over a month. Today, we passed out invitations to random students in the halls that said "Dr. T. J. Eckleburg cordially invites you and a friend to the Green Light, Room 1003, April 2 1927, 12:20pm".
At break, we had a flashmob in the foyer of the Charleston dance, initiated by the lovely Sarah Cooke. Immediately following this, we rushed to Mrs. DeYoung (our English teacher)'s classroom to set up our speakeasy, the Green Light.
After a period of eating, drinking "giggle water" (also known as the punch Mrs. DeYoung made), and dancing, the bell rang for lunch and curious students began to arrive with their invitations in hand. Our class and quite a variety of other students spent lunchtime dancing (with us teaching the others how to Charleston, as well as a bit of jive and foxtrot), playing poker and blackjack, drinking punch, and just generally having a blast.
All of the stress and panic and sleep deprivation seems worth it on days like this. It's safe to say I love IB.

Friday, March 30, 2012

I found us a song!!!

(First rule of Gatsby day is that you DO NOT talk about Gatsby day.)

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Does anyone want to come to McDonald's with me after school?

Doesn't that look deeeeeeeeelicious? Yum yum yum. AND, there is only a 74.56358465496856798445378459345879687 % chance that the "meat" inside of the BigMacs is bunny meat. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT?

Also, by coming to McDonald's with me you would receive the following:

a) an awesome car ride with me (please note that as per "The Rules of Sarah's Car", whoever has shotgun gets to control the music).

b) a trip through the exciting metropolis of New Glasgow

c) a random dance party

*Please note that there is a disadvantage in this endeavour, as if we go to the WalMart McDonald's, we may have the unfortunate chance of seeing Kara. However, this could be avoided by the following:

a) killing her right now *cough Mike cough*

b) dressing as ninjas so she will not see us and be compelled to start a conversation

c) go to the other McDonald's.

That is all.

Also in French Class.

Oui, oui.


In French Class

I'm in French class.

The end.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

News Article

So Holly, Ms. Deyoung and I got interviewed for The News yesterday. I had no idea I was going to be interviewed, utill Ms. Deyoung told me to go down to Mr. Green's office. What was an even bigger surprise to me, however, was opening up the paper this morning to discover that the article was dead wrong on a number of points: 
“I was bored with my academics,” he said. “I didn’t pay much attention in Pre-IB, but Mrs. Hanley made me put my best effort into my papers and really made me work. This is when my involvement really changed.” 
Despite what those quotation marks may imply, these are not the words I used - what on earth does "this is when my involvement really changed" even mean? 

But Wigginton said... the program has helped his social skills
This is an outright fabrication. Unlike the above 'quote', I never even said anything to that effect. The paragraph even goes on to say that I'm involved in "leading the health team"  What on earth is a health team?

Holly Mathias ... will be heading to York University in the fall...
She quite clearly said she was going to Queen's.

“I’ve had a very strong work ethic and been a well-rounded student,”
Maybe I'm wrong on this one, but I pretty sure she didn't say this.

There are currently 14 students enrolled in Northumberland’s IB program...  

Northumberland Regional High School is the only school in the Chignecto region to offer the Pre-IB and IB programs...
It is also offered at CEC. 
 There were some smaller errors of fact and grammar but I think y'all get the picture by now. Anywho, this just really makes me wonder how accurate the other articles in The News are. After all, if this simple, short interview was full paraphrasings masquerading as quotes,  multiple errors in reporting the facts (ex: 14 IB students) and even some outright fabrication, how egregious are the errors in more important articles?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Found Another IB Song

Do you want to play a game?

As we all know, the last couple of weeks have been horrendously stressful. So I think that when we return after March Break we ought to have a little bit more fun, by reviving a game from Pre-IB English.

I don't think any of you, except Sarah, were in on "The Boot", so here's how it works: there is a blue game card (pictured below) that determines the person who is 'it'. The objective of card holder (or the person who has the boot) is to pass the card off to someone else without them knowing. For example, if I were to give Stuart a book with the boot in it, he'd then be it. However, if when I tried to hand him the book he saw the boot in it and called me out on it, I'd still be it.

Unfortunately, I don't think I still have the original boot, so we'll have to use this beaver playing lacrosse.

I have no idea why a beaver would play lacrosse

Who's in?

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Following an unusual burst of motivation, I deiced to finally give my desk a proper cleaning-out, for the first time in like two years. In doing so I found a paper. A paper with the password to my IB results account from last year. I'd thought that I'd lost that paper, and had to wait until mid september to get my marks from Mr. Green. Turns out it was just sitting in the top drawer of my desk.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Aye Aye Captain

My Facebook message to Mrs Hanley:


I'm not sure if you're going to be displeased by the fact that I am messaging you on Facebook, but I don't have your email address.

I'm currently working on my second world literature paper, and I was really panicking a few minutes ago because I couldn't think of anything else to talk about. In desperation, I looked through the folder on my computer of English assignments from last year, and... JACKPOT!
My paper is on the theme of man's inhumanity to man in The Constant Gardener and Night, and because of all those assignments on theme and imagery and symbolism that we all whined about at the time, I'm likely going to finish my paper within the next couple of hours.
So, I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU and I hope you're having a wonderful time in Korea. The students there are so lucky to have you. All of us IBs back here at NRHS really miss you!"

And her response:

"Kara...Of course I am not displeased by the fact that you are messaging me on facebook, I am so glad to hear from you!! And I thank you for your kind words...I think about all of you and wonder how things are going. My email is hanley3@gmail.com and I welcome all email messages, so please pass this along to the other IB students as I miss you all and think of you often. I am having the time of my life...a great decision to be sure...Tell Sarah Cooke I was talking about her to one of my students just yesterday because she is a Harry Potter fan...and I said well I don't think you are as much as a fan as one of my students back in Canada. I love my classes, in many ways they are typical grade 7 and 8 students yet in many ways they are not... I have had so many experiences here it is hard to summarize them ..but I have had trips to Nepal, Hong Kong, Tanzania, Taiwan, Cambodia, Thailand and this Thursday I go to Japan for 4 days and then for March break I am going to Bali ( I am meeting my husband there for a week) . So it has been an incredible year.. Please pass my best wishes on to your class and all the teachers and staff at NRHS. Don't forget to follow my blog theadventures of captain hanley I am a little behind in terms of getting pictures up but hope to update soon.. I will be in my house in Braeshore for the moth of July so maybe some of you can come and visit and let me know how your year went and what your plans for next year are...

Take care Kara..

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



It doesn't open as the video, but a simple copy/paste shall shoo away your studies.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Sunday night.
Screw you, G-force tolerance.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Math IA & Epcot

So today we were assigned our second math IA.

I've tried to read through it but I couldn't really focus - mainly because every time I saw "G-force", all I could think of was that ride at Epcot, Mission Space, where you can choose either the "green" ride or the "orange" ride, and it was a simulator, and if you chose orange then you could feel yourself being pushed back against the seat because of like, simulation G-force, or whatever. And it was kickass. So I think instead of doing the math IA, we should all go on a class trip to Orlando and go to Epcot so we can do Mission Space, and then we will understand everything we need to about G-force.

Since we'll already be in the area, we might as well hit up Universal Studios (WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER!) and Magic Kingdom, and also Busch Gardens because I want to pet a giraffe like Kati and also Catherine said it's bomb. So um, who's in .. ?

Monday, February 13, 2012

proCATinating (similar to procrastikitty)

If you don't like boring stories and cats DON'T read, if you like irrevelant stories and cats by all means CONTINUE! I have found myself using similar means of procrastinating as Wigg by watching my cat perform a set of tricks that are rather ridiculous and makes my act look like a fool. He starts by enjoying some romps around the house and participating in foolish fights with string. Then the next thing on his list is to take a bath. Unfortunately for him his tongue is just slighty too long so when cleaning against the grain (fur) he sometimes has to tug his tongue free. I find this rather hilarious and proceed to watch him because to be completely honest I am not a huge fan of doing homework or anything else remotely productive. However the most distracting times are when he has a fight with his tail. It begins by him lying down and flapping his tail. His tail will often hit him in the face and he will become angry and try to catch it. Of course he misses because his tail is faster than his brain which than makes him more upset because he cannot catch this annoying thing that keeps hitting him in the face. And as you may know when a cat gets angry their tail flaps harder which inturn hits him in the face harder and makes him angrier. As you can see it is a vicious cycle, but overall a plesant way to spend my day. I hope that you have learned a thing or two on "ProCATinating with Laura-May" Thank you and good night!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Almost there! (and also gatsby)

As crazy as it sounds, we only have 45 days of classes left before exams start - and that's not accounting for storm days or the fact that we're obviously going to skip a few. I don't know if I should be excited or terrified, but in either case that realisation was just the motivation I needed to actually start my WL2.

On an only ever-so-slightly related note, I was watching the second episode of the first season of How I Met Your Mother yesterday, and I realised that Ted Mosby is Gatsby -he held a series of parties simply in hopes of Robin showing up.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

IB Student Survey

Today on free period, Mrs. DeYoung had the latest issue of IB World, which had a survey (1000 IB students participated) about the IB student experience. Notice one of the worst aspects about IB, it wasn't just us who hated ToK, it was global phenomena.Also, I agree with with one of the snapshot comments, "Your IB class becomes your family". <3

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This is the English major armadillo. It likes to remind you to watch for symbolism.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012


If you, like me, are ever browsing the blog for shits, you make happen to find yourself on the Links page where you may find some horribly irrelevant content.
Why. Do we have TOK links still up. :P
This just leads me to the illusion that I have to think.
And we all know that isn't necessary.
Thought I'd bring that to everyone's attention in the hopes that it may be fixed.
Good luck not procrastinating/eating/baking/kitteh/etc. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012


One down, four to go - well, for me, Catherine, Holly, and Jenn.
Three to go for Bodo, Bpye, Wigg, Stu, Hannah, Laura May, and Morgan.
And two to go for Sarah! WOOOOOO!

Naturally, I'm procrastiblogging. I spent the past twenty minutes trying to find practice bio exams (either the ones Ms Wood gave me, which I've somehow misplaced, or some online) to no avail, so I finally said fuck it and here I am.

This post is pretty much pointless as I have basically nothing to say .. I want trail mix. And vitamin water. Maybe my reward for putting in a solid two hours of studying will be to go to Walmart and get myself some study snax.

I guess that means I should start studying, then.

I wish I could find those practice exams. :c

Here's some motivation to all of you who may be procrastiblogging/eating/kitteh.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


So I took a break from studying earlier to help my brother haul a dresser he built from the basement up to his bedroom (damn thing weighed over 100lbs). But when I attempted to return to my computer and get back to work, I found that my cat Lola (henceforth to be known as procrastakitteh) had occupied my keyboard.

Procrastakitteh is not impressed

I poked and prodded at her for a few minutes but she just stared at me and refused to move. She eventually relocated to my math study guide, but came back midway through the writing of this post.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Guys ... TOK IS OVER!!!!!!!

Still can't believe it ... no more thinking :)

It was a bonding time for all of us, but nevertheless I am beyond thrilled that we never have to hear the words 'knowledge issue' ever again.

Ha ha first time on the blog!

I have absolutely no reason for writing on this except that I now can!
SO here are 5 facts about horses:
1) they are awesome
2) they have four feet
3) they have hair not fur
4) they eat grass/hay
5) they are AMAZING

Okay I am done now. Everyone get studying!

Bye bye. I guess I will be back later. hee hee this is so much more fun. procrastablogging!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Similar to to Hannah's method of procrastineating, I've fallen into the trap of procrastabaking; I spent the better part of today making the cake for tomorrow.  And then trying to decorate it.

It's supposed to say "We're Done ToK!" but it didn't quite turn out as expected  :/

Anyways I should probably actually go study now, but if y'all still feel like procrastinating here's another Picnicface video

Friday, January 20, 2012

IOC Party

Hi All!

Just to clarify, the IOC Party will be happening at 1:00 pm tomorrow! I know that everyone has a bunch of stuff going on tomorrow, and based on our discussion today in English, this time works best for most people. Not sure what time we will finish up ... 5 or 6, maybe earlier depending on our productivity! See you soon my wonderfully crazy friends.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Creepy Clock

Couldn't get it any bigger, but I think this should be part of the countdown.

Original link (a lot bigger): http://www.asriran.com/files/fa/news/1389/8/16/155486_922.swf

Friday, January 13, 2012

We Can Do It.

I have had a sudden burst of inspiration. Perhaps it was the countless TED Talks I have been watching in order to procrastinate from TOK, or perhaps every single conversation I have ever had with Mrs. Decoff has finally sunk in. It doesn't matter. The point is, I have realised that we can do it. And, most importantly, however we do will be FANTASTIC, it will be THE BEST. Because it will be the best that we can do. Sure, maybe you could have studied longer for that test. But at what cost? What would you have given up to study for that extra hour? An hour of talking with your best friend, an hour of watching cat videos, an hour of running, reading, singing, dancing, LIVING. Well, I don't think it is worth it. Because that hour meant something to you. Even if you were sad and crying, it has made you who you are right now. If you had not spent that hour doing whatever it was you did, you would not be who you are right now.

Maybe this is stupid. Maybe I am totally wrong and we should spend all of our time devoted to studying and being generally unhappy. Maybe I sound like a desperate wanna-be motivational speaker right now. But I don't care. Because I'm pretty sure that we're all closer to crazy than we've ever been right now, and what we need to realise is that it is okay to not do homework for one night, and it is okay to not finish all the questions on the math assignment, and it is okay to do what you can do, what you should do, and what you want to do, because despite the fact that we are stuck here for the next few months, pretty soon we will be gone and we will all regret not watching the Trolol video one last time before we analysed the shit out of Shakespeare.

So don't feel guilty that you are reading this post right now instead of working on your World Lit paper (and don't freak out because you just remembered that World Lit papers exist), instead do what you can when you can and be satisfied that you'll be happier because of it.

If you don't believe me, look at this: http://make-everything-ok.com/

Dear Stu,

Yours in Procrastination,


Random WEBsites

I remember last year we found a lot of websites that did basically nothing, and here are some new ones that are even more ridiculous :)